
General Information

Organizations that provide mentoring generally pair you with another person who will work with you one-on-one to guide you through any number of things that you may need help with. They may be able to help you with social challenges, with accessing services, or with navigating other aspects of life in Maine that pose a challenge.



Catholic Charities Refugee and Immigration Services Mentoring Program

About:  The Refugee and Immigration Services (RIS) Mentoring Program matches young adults (ages 18-30) who have just arrived in Maine as refugees or asylees with volunteer mentors. Mentors support, guide and act as a friend while helping their mentee achieve his or her personal, academic and career goals.

For more information, contact Karen Brewer at (207) 493-8935 or You can also visit the program’s website.


Hope Acts – Hope House Mentoring

About:  Hope House, a safe and stable temporary housing option for asylum seekers, offers a mentoring program to residents. For more information about Hope House, see the Housing page of this website. Mentors act as a resource to Hope House residents to help guide them through daily life in Portland.

Phone:  To find out about living at Hope House, call (207) 274-6005

Email:  The Program Coordinator for Immigrant Support can be reached at

See a map or visit the website.


Portland Mentoring Alliance

About:  The Portland Mentoring Alliance is located at Portland High School. The program matches refugee, asylee and immigrant students with an adult mentor who provides the student with both social and academic support and helps the student prepare for college.

For more information, visit Jennifer Cook at the Portland Mentoring Alliance office at Portland High School. Phone number: (207)842-5358